Report card

Palm Beach County Legislators’ Report Cards

Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) and the Florida Chamber have issued their 2021 rankings, or Report Cards, for the voting records of Florida legislators on business issues.

Here are the scores and grade rankings for Palm Beach County legislators:

Name 2021 Ranking by AIF 2021 Ranking by Chamber
L. Berman 66% (D) 57% (F)
M. Caruso 92% (A) 91% (A)
J. Casello 57% (F) 51% (F)
G. Harrell 97% (A) 100% (A)
T. Polsky 53% (F) 46% (F)
B. Powell 69% (D) 55% (F)
R. Roth 92% (A) 95% (A)
D. Silvers 70% (C) 64% (D)
K. Skidmore 72% (C) 65% (D)
E. Slosberg 60% (D) 49% (F)
J. Snyder 88% (B) 90% (A)
M. Willhite 61% (D) 72% (C)
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